Activities in the field telegraph
Activities of dealers
Architectural activities
Brown coal (lignite)
Buying and selling land
Coal mining
Cutting, shaping and finishing of stone for construction purposes, as a pavement
Data processing
Device coatings of buildings and structures
Extending credit
Growing grapes
Laundry, dry cleaning and dyeing of textile and fur products
Laundry, dry cleaning and dyeing of textile and fur products
Manufacture of clothing accessories, including shawls, scarves, ties, gloves and other similar products from tissues
Manufacture of electrical equipment for engines and vehicles
Manufacture of parts and accessories of vehicles and their engines
Manufacture of glues and gelatine
Manufacture of kitchen furniture
Manufacture of flat glass
Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats
Manufacture of plastics in primary forms
Manufacture of coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel
Mining and quarrying, manufacturing, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water
Mining of asbestos
Moulding and processing of flat glass
Non-ferrous metals
Non-ferrous metals
Ornamental horticulture and nursery products
Potato, cafeterias root and tuberous crops with high starch or inulin
Production of dry concrete mix
Production of cold-rolled flat-rolled without protective coatings and protective coatings
Production, transmission and distribution of electricity, gas, steam and hot water
Production facilities for flavoring and deodorizing air, production polishes and cleaners, waxes
Production of trucks
Production of metal storage tanks, radiators and central heating boilers
Production of medical devices and surgical equipment and orthopedic appliances
Provision of services to society as a whole
Production of knitted fabric
Rental of office machinery and equipment
Real estate management
Treatment of waste and scrap non-ferrous metals except precious
Veneers, plywood, boards, panels
Vehicle production
Wholesale trade of non-ferrous metals in primary forms, other than precious
Wholesale trade of haberdashery
Wholesale trade of woodworking machines
Wholesale trade of feedstuffs for farm animals
Wholesale trade of explosives
Wholesale trade wallpapers
Transport container handling