Activities of the agencies ambulance
Activities air and space transport
Agents involved in wholesale trade in building materials
Buying and selling of own real estate
Buying and selling property other than residential premises
Collection and treatment
Forestry, logging and related service areas
Gathering wild mushrooms and truffles
Health activities
Lending industry
Manufacture of prepared feeds (mixed and unmixed) to animals kept on farms
Manufacture of steam generators, except central heating boilers, production of nuclear reactors
Manufacture of steam generators, except central heating boilers, production of nuclear reactors
Manufacture of agricultural tractors
Of scientific research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities
Production of vehicles and equipment
Production of elevators
Provision of various services
Production of joinery and carpentry work
Production of cement, lime and plaster
Production of non-woven textile materials and products from them
Production of chemical power sources (batteries, primary cells and batteries from them)
Production of steam and hot water (thermal energy) boiler
Production facilities for flavoring and deodorizing air, production polishes and cleaners, waxes
Production of electronic components, equipment for radio, television and communication
Production of elevators
Production of microbial protein feed, premixes, feed vitamins, antibiotics, amino acids and enzymes
Providing services hairdressing and beauty
Production of internal combustion engines for cars
Production of non-powered railway, tramway and other cars for the carriage of goods
Production of electricity by power plants and other industrial block stations
Retail cosmetics and perfumes
Retail sale of motor vehicle parts and accessories
Retail sale of pharmaceutical and medical goods, cosmetics and perfumes
Retail sale of leather goods and travel accessories
Retail sale of footwear and leather goods
Renting of machinery and equipment without operator, rental of household goods and personal items
Retail trade in non-specialized stores
Rental of household goods and personal items
Sale of motor vehicle parts and accessories
The activities of hotels and restaurants
Treatment of waste and scrap
Vegetable and ornamental plants and nursery products
Wholesale trade in beer
Wholesale trade of ferrous metals in primary forms
Wholesale of chemical products
Wholesale trade of cutlery and domestic metal ware
Wholesale trade of perfumes and cosmetics, except soap
Wholesale meat and poultry meat, including offal
Wholesale trade of machine tools for metalworking