Activated carbon
Average bucket capacity draglines
Base offset
Beer with a normative (standardized) content of the volume fraction of ethyl alcohol over 8.6% inclusive
Cellulose (for cooking), including semi-chemical)
Covered wagons versatile all-metal
Court of transport, technical and auxiliary river
Coal from the complex-mechanized faces
Details of pipelines
Desktop flip calendars
Dietetic canned fruits and vegetables
Eggs vegetables
Engines for automobiles in completing engineering products for interagency supply-tractor
Energy-efficient fluorescent bulbs
Equipment mouths types oue and oush
Grinding for woodworking tools
High-strength and reinforcement ropes for concrete
Liquid oil asphalt road
Machines and equipment for construction and maintenance of roads
Mineral wool (heading)
Milk and milk products lean (yogurt, kefir, buttermilk drinks, etc.)
Nefteapparatura (without abo)
Organic products, and solvents: acetylene
Pet molding
Pipes, including gas pipelines
Plant protection chemicals in 100% terms of active ingredient
Precision alloys
Products of bark and bast
Sofa bed
Spare parts for technological equipment for light industry
Spare bulb in a thermos (in terms of delivery of commercial organizations)
Spare parts for agricultural machines for planting for the maintenance of railway well
Station for the comprehensive mechanization of finishing works
Tram cars
Trucks (excluding chassis)
Uaz - 3160 (jeep)
Uaz - 31519
Unleaded petrol
Universal kitchen machines, domestic
Vitaminized whole milk products (in milk equivalent)
Washing machines manufactured under license from foreign firms using imported components
Yogurt, including the mechnikov
Steam capacity exceeding 10 tons of steam per hour