-linen dresses
Adult sports
Alcoholic beverages with a volume fraction of ethanol to 25% (inclusive)
Basis for the packing and products on vending machines: burst paper for automatic packing groceries
Bearings and high precision class osobovysokogo
Boilers continuous
Chillers cooling capacity of over 2,5 tys.kkal / h on ozone-friendly chladone
Construction flat asbestos sheets
Crustaceans and molluscs
Crackers, potato (polufubrikaty)
Dc machine
Dried pulp
Fabrics from staple fibers
Fishing vessels
Headgear (other than felt, knitted and fur) baby
Hollow glass blocks
Mastic izol
Meat, 2 categories
Non-woven batting (the sum of codes 774616, 774617, 774618, 774619)
Non-woven batting (the sum of codes 774616, 774617, 774618, 774619)
Pants, overalls with straps, breeches and curtains, knitted men's and boys'
Penodiatomitovy brick
Pipe-laying tractors
Pipes and piping parts of grp
Portland cement with mineral additives
Polyethylene bags
Propinat soluble powder (dalapon)
Prefabricated meat from the meat on the complex culinary destination
Precision alloys
Radiographic film
Semi-linen fabrics (with the use of cotton fiber)
Small brine cheese factory
Soda ash 100% (without potash)
Specialized and other
Squid and cuttlefish
Submersible diaphragm pumps for oil
Synthetic diamonds
Tankers to transport oil, water and liquefied gases and fuel for vehicles, service units
Tool of natural diamonds
Universal containers with a gross mass of 3 tons (type uuk-3 and hp-2, 5)
Vermiculite bellied
Technological equipment for the cement industry