Bandages (rings) of stainless steel
Bone glue
Cars with specialized bodies
Coats, short coats of silk mixed fabrics (cotton with synthetics)
Costumes children
Cotton fabrics, containing less than 85 wt.% cotton with the addition of mainly or solely man-made fibers
Cotton severe
Furnaces for sausage production
Gas blowers for gas mains
Gas turbine rated at 6 tys.kvt
Gas, dry gas processing plants
Generators for steam, gas and hydraulic turbines
Ginseng-biologically active drug (20% water-alcohol solution)
Grinding for woodworking tools
Grinding for woodworking tools
Grain sorghum, buckwheat, millet and canary seed and other grains
Herring (sprat)
Leather gloves
Life jackets
Machine semeochistitelnye
Machinery and equipment for construction and finishing works
Machine volososgonnye
Mica industrial raw
Mineralized drinking water
Motor gasoline ai-92 ai-93 and above
Pans drawer cardboard
Pipe gas pipelines
Proportion of thermoplastics in the total output of synthetic resins and plastics
Product needle-platinum
Processing equipment for the production of reinforced concrete structures and components
Products further redistribution: leaf and tin coated
Samovars, including electrical
Salomas technology
Sheet with special properties (4 mm)
Sodium nitrite (crystalline and liquid)
Television picture tubes of color image
Teak group
Tile acid and termokislotoupornye
Tomato juice (not drink)
Tractors t-503ya
Weaving machines beschelnochnye
Whole milk replacer dry
Covered wagons