Baker's yeast
Basis for the packing and products on vending machines: burst paper for automatic packing groceries
Beer with a normative (standardized) content of the volume fraction of ethyl alcohol over 8.6% inclusive
Bolts travel offs with nuts for rail fastening
Bus slot
Cast aluminum cookware
Combines cleaning and plow systems for coal and ore
Crackers, potato (polufubrikaty)
Derivatives of vinyl acetate
Dry pudding
Ferromanganese, which contains more than 2 wt.% carbon
Fire pumps
Furyl alcohol
Gasoline car without gasoline, released from the raw material
Handkerchiefs hemmed (of all types of fabrics)
Home cheese
Hollow glass blocks (in the conventional calculation (2.0 mm))
Insulation design
Izoizdaniya sheets (sheet-impressions)
Low voltage electrical apparatus
Material of high strength gypsum binder
Machine merilnye
Marks and
Mining chemical raw materials: raw phosphate (equivalent to 100% p2o5)
Narrow gauge railway sleepers
Phosphate fertilizer, including flour phosphate (equivalent to 100% p205)
Photochemical products: kinofotoplenka converted to 35mm
Pipes and piping parts from thermoplastics
Plucked string instruments
Ploughs chetyrehkorpusnye
Pork with removed crop
Product profile molded pvc
Pressure mounted to a hydraulic excavator buckets for the device of underground structures by the diaphragm wall depth of 20 m
Radio measuring devices
Skirts child
Steel drums (200 liter basis)
Steel (without steel dupleks. process at its plant)
Sugar from the raw material of public resources
Technological equipment and spare parts for logging, sawmill and timber rafting
Wall blocks and panels of gypsum concrete
Water features (water bikes, pedalboty, etc.)
Welding fluxes