Agglomerate manganese
Alcohol - crude ethyl grape
Automation and mechanization to forge and press machines universal
Basis for adhesive tape
Basis for parovodonepronitsaemoy paper
By-products of category i
Chill machine
Chemical fibers and threads
Cookware steel enamel
Coats, leather coats made of a bahtarmyanogo spilka
Crushed stone and gravel from natural stone and sand and gravel
Drugs for the treatment of diabetes
Enzyme preparations (commercial product)
Equipment plywood
Fishing vessels
Fish live (without herring), produced on board fishing vessels
Flakes (corn, wheat, rice)
Hearing aids
Heating oil
Heavy steel, including the strip for rail fastening
Higher alcohols for plasticizers
Magnetic steel
Mainline locomotives
Meat and bone meal
Melted animal fat, industrial and fodder
Mix concrete (trade edition)
Motorized mowers
Needles for medical syringes
Nonwoven materials such as tissue
Photochemical products: kinofotoplenka converted to 35mm
Reinforced glass
Sets of equipment for cooking, cleaning and regeneration of wash solution
Single-line-wool worsted
Slag-portland cement
Spring-type terminals zhbr
Spare parts for equipment for processing polymeric materials
Steel drums (200 liter basis)
Sulfate slag cement
Sulfate slag cement
Synthetic liquid ammonia (anhydrous) for agriculture
Tv color image
Ural-43223 (gp 6 t)
Vellum paper for tracing paper and natural food packaging
Volga gaz - 3111
Wall blocks and panels of gypsum concrete
Wheat flour and wheat-rye
Hydraulic motors and screw downhole