
Amine salt of 2,4-d 50%
Baby tomato canned
Binding materials
Blades for safety razors made of stainless steel
Butter from raw materials of public resources
Cationic dyes
Cellulose commodity
Civilian aircraft
Computing and control systems (in the single-rate)
Cotton yarn single-line (including yarn machines pc) trademark issue
Cotton severe
Cutters and grinders for grinding meat
Diesel engines and diesel generators (commercial release)
Dynamo steel sheet
Electricity nuclear power utilities
Excavators with bucket capacity of 4 cubic meters and more
Finished fabrics of chemical (staple fibers)
Footwear with outer soles of leather substitutes for children up to n 24, inclusive
Fruit juices reconstituted from one type of fruit
Geophysical instruments and equipment on vehicles
High-alloy steels and alloys
Houses made of light metal structures of complete delivery
Hrsg, including energotehnicheskie
Inflatable rubber mattresses
Jacquard and dobby narrow
Magazines boxes
Oblozhechnaya basis for notebooks for drawing
Oil pumps
Phosphate fertilizer, including flour phosphate (equivalent to 100% p205)
Plastic windows
Products art weaving in selling prices
Semi-automatic lathes turret
Soda packed
Soft cheeses
Spare parts for power equipment, parts and assemblies for the modernization of equipment of power
Spare parts for aggregates condensing freon cooling capacity up to 2,5 tys.kkal / h
Steel cans
Stuffing food
Transporting equipment for different purposes
Truck-go with hydraulic yn 10tonn and above
Vitamin e synthetic
Washing machines, automatic and semiautomatic
Woolen fabric finished
Woolen fabric finished



Subject: Production in Russia
Parameter: Graders
Unit: Thousand Horsepower
Source: Rosstat
Size: 10 ÊÁ
Format: PNG
Dimensions: 481*273
Charts - Production in Russia - Graders

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